collector app.
The class collector app provides an easy to use, drug screen results capture and reporting process with a streamlined user interface. Saving time during sample collection.

Device Result Capture
Accurate result capture without the need for manual interpretation or reporting. Drug screen results are captured using the collector apps camera and scanning functionality.

E-signature Consent
Donor and Collector consent is captured directly within the app, utilising on screen signing technology. This saves time by removing the need for additional paper work or the need to utilise alternate applications.

Realtime Results
Data is encrypted and securely transmitted between the app and class data centre. Clients management are notified of positive samples.

Tutorial And Support
Step by step instructions guide collectors though the collection process, with in-app options to arrange confirmation follow up sampling.

Testing Reminders
See a calendar of scheduled testing locations and a list of testing equipment required for each job.

Calibration RMA
Book test equipment such as breathalysers in for calibration and arrange sending and return postage.

Role Based Permissions
Access to the app and data is handled using username/password authentication at login. This allows validation and user permissions for varied levels of access based on customer request.
